Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Worms, seeds, and new oppertunities.

I have been researching into worm farming and composting. Today I have started my first attempt at a worm farm/compost bin. I bought a cheap plastic storage bin, drilled some holes into the lid and sides, and ripped up some newspaper/cardboard to put inside. After putting the scredded paper mixture into the bin with some soil and wetting it I set it aside. Tomorrow I will try my hand at grubbing for worms to put into my bin. Should be fun and messy.

After getting my worm bin prepared, I then proceeded onto planting some seeds for the future garden. I have started : carrots, brussel sprouts, spinach, kohl rabi, peas, and green onions. I am going to look up how to make some newpaper pots to make more pots for more seeds. I am also going to have to swing by the seed store and pick up some more squash, cucumber, and tomatoe seeds. Mmmm plotting the future tasty meals and canning projects in my mind right now.

This after was a fun get out of the house time with Paula as we went to the local "casino" and played the digital slots. Came out $3 ahead, got a free lunch, and some tickets to a local raffle for a scooter. So overal not bad. Also, I got a phone call from a doctor I used to help out with in the office who wants to hire me to work in her office again. And on the upside she mentioned she could help me with earning my CNA. Sweet! A new job in an area that I am looking into entering as a new career. Things are looking up. Now if only the chain of bad luck that has been following me can stay far far away...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This Crazy Life

I went to school to change careers. Naturally since I had no clue what I wanted to do I went to the career center to do all those tests that give suggestions as to what you would be good at. The only thing I knew at the time was that I wanted to be able to work from home if possible because my mother was sick and I wanted to be there for her. Also, I felt I would be happier being able to work and then play with out the commute inbetween. So after taking tests and talking about the many different "work from home" jobs, it was suggested that I go for medical transcription. It is a mobile job and it is also in high demand so getting a job should be no problem. I thought "Great!". Boy, what did I know...

After taking a bunch of medical and other required courses (thousands of dollars in loans as I did not meet whatever the government thinks is poor) I come to find out that while medical transcriptionist are in high demand the demand is for experienced transcriptionist. SO, a newbie with a shiney new degree is SOL. Nice, huh. By this time it's too late to back out so I complete and finish the degree. While taking all of these classes and talking to other student, I learn about the medical coder/biller course. The difference between this and the medical transcriptionist course is that the medical coder/biller course offers job shadowing (which lead to 90% of their students being hired upon completion of course). I'll just go finish this course as I have already taken a lot of medical courses that is required for the certificate. HA! Not only does my previous courses not count (even though I have not noticed a single difference between them after having taken "different" medical courses) but I had to scrounge up the money out of hand because I no longer qualify for loans, my grades are good just I'm too rich because I choose to work and pay my rent instead of being homeless or mooching off of other.

Now, while this is going on my job is closing our store and my hours are being cut. This means very very little money to pay rent and afford food much less school. By this time I am ready to scream and pull my hair out. I have to stop school and try and find a job. I have done enough schooling I should be able to get a job as a clerk or receptionist in a hospital. After many applications I am feeling very discouraged. I'm no dunce but darned if this life is not out to make me feel like one.